Clean Energy

Complex. Nuanced. Critical.

Clean energy has the spotlight. It also has the most competition for your audience and message. From startups to utilities to national labs, Red Sky works with some of the most innovative minds and technologies to provide marketing, branding, PR and communication strategy across the clean energy sector.

The need for change is unrivaled and the notable shift necessary to make this monumental transition a successful one requires communication that inspires action. Learn how Red Sky has helped our clients communicate to their distinct audiences to help advance their efforts and make a difference across the globe.

With the focus on finding clean and renewable energy sources at an all-time high, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is using its three mission areas—nuclear energy, energy and the environment, and national and homeland security—to discover and demonstrate new technologies that will power and protect our energy future. Read More>>

Following substantive change among its leadership team and efforts to refocus its business strategy, Inovus Solar wanted to tell its refreshed story more effectively to prospective customers, investors and business partners. Red Sky was tapped to help develop an overarching communication strategy to support sales and broader awareness efforts. Read More>>

The global community faces one of the most daunting challenges in history with the need to transition to more secure, sustainable, and equitable energy infrastructures, making it imperative to explain the value and depth of a new strategic alliance to analyze emerging energy markets.  Read More>>

Clean Energy in the News

Like you, we keep close tabs on the emerging innovations, trends and news impacting the clean energy space. Here are some highlights from the past 24 hours. Hint: click any topic to see specific articles.

Let’s talk!

Ready to elevate your clean energy brand and make a lasting impact? Connect with our expert team of communicators to learn how we tailor strategy and execution to align with you and your audience’s needs.

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